UFSIT Blue Team

follow the blue rabbit

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Auditd and sysmon notes

Coming soon (insert 90s-style GeoCities β€œUnder construction” GIF)


NCAE Competition prep notes

See the compiled NCAE notes below. These include:


Some TryHackMe Blue team notes

CyberForce β€˜22 - Notes on Competition Details

Watch this ASAP if you’re a participant in this competition >:]


NIST SP 800-61 SparkNotes

This is an incidence response framework used in US federal computer networks, and is the model we will be using during CyberForce 2022.

Some very useful, conceptual strategies are specified here. Make sure you at least read section 3 of it.

https://github.com/ufsitblue/ufsitblue.github.io/blob/main/notes_NIST_800_61.md <- My notes https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf <- The full document